Republishing Bachelors assignment for English from 2008
I see the ferns moving, they look fresh green and free. There are other fern leaves that are comparatively darker then these ones. Some are dark and almost drying, but they are moving as well to the blow of the silent wind. I see those yellow little wild flowers; they are waving as well with the wave of the wind. Not considered as flowers, for they are too tiny and wild with small leaflets and huge ugly center; they don’t look that beautiful. But their motion in the slanted sun light feels pleasant to me. The free green ferns on the sun are like glowing light green, with the rays of sun that are passing through them before reaching my eyes; while the fresh ferns on the shade look pleasant green soothing to eyes. They all look beautiful in different shades of green and yellow, leaves and flowers all dancing in their ways with the rhythm of the wind like an orchestra in the sloppy stage of the fertile soil.
But I can’t feel the wind on this side of the window. Though, just knowing of the pleasant wind blowing right outside feels refreshing. It is obvious to be darker and cold inside as there lays the shade outside the window. The open window filters the warmth and pleasance of the wind and lets the cold breeze in. The second last bench, close to the window must be the best position in the class to see this view outside, at least that’s what I think.
I hear Sir, talking about creating images on the stories. I had been out for a while. Here, Hemraj sir has reached somewhere in the middle of his description about how to write the story he has been expecting us to do for his first assignment. He catches Sumati’s story, and talks about how she has mentioned the mountains in her story. He says she is lacking some auditory images in them. So, I try to listen to the noise I might hear at the instant. Besides Hemraj sirs voice there were sound of the turning pages, filling the gap between the interactions between Sumati and Asmita aloud, discussing with sir along other class mates. He talks about the sense of the smell on the story. Something like of the smell of fresh air, moist soil or may be of a dumping site he says. I just try to smell the moment, and find myself blind by the nose.
I begin to think of my excuse to tell to Sir, as he talks about the assignment. I had a draft of the first 2 paragraph in my bag where I got stuck. I was thinking of taking it out if he talks to me, as he had already talked to me on the assignment once in the department as well. I even tried to shot out ways I would put the elements he was describing, in the story I had title “Mummy’s dummy”. It was about my experience of being a living dummy with hair on head, where she could practice her parlor lessons.
The class was now talking about the old factory images that we could use in the story. He gives some tough vocabularies that could be used, like gustatory. And I noted them, though I knew I wasn’t using them around soon.
I think of the story, the previous one that was half drafted and the new one I was drafting in my mind now, the story about writing the story itself. I unconsciously had noted few points of the moment by now and that just for the base of the story. And I knew this story’s draft would end with the class right now.
While sir was talking about thermal and kinetic words, that I noted, I was simultaneously writing on how I was writing. He talks about the perspective on the image of hanuman, he says he had talked about it earlier as well and I noted them. He asked us to do the stories at the end again, and it was funny, as I was doing it.
It feels satisfying; finally I had a complete story. I note of Hemraj sir asking to write on a simple event. I had wonder how simple can it go.